The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a practice that dates back to the earliest years of the Church. Through RCIA non-Christians are brought into the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. The program is also the process by which Christians from another denomination enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church through the same education and preparation, and then receiving their First Communion and Confirmation.
Are you searching and have found the fullness of Truth in the teachings of the Church? Are you Catholic and never completed your initiation Sacraments? Are you curious and just want to learn more? Come check out RCIA at St. Joseph’s. The program meets twice per week on Sundays and Tuesdays from October to May – but inquiries about the program can come any time! This year we will also offer a virtual option through video if you are unable or are not comfortable attending in person.
Call the Parish office today or contact Kelly Willcox at kadavis72@gmail.com or 315-412-6775 to learn more.