Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries assist with the celebration of the Eucharist and are an essential part of the Mass. To get involved with any of these ministries, please contact the parish office using the form below
Ministry of the Word
Lectors proclaim sacred scripture at Mass, breaking open thoughtful proclamation God’s Holy Word.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers are privileged to share in what is most central to our faith. They participate in the sacred liturgy by assisting the priest and deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion under both species of bread and wine.
Ministry of Hostpitality
Ushers welcome parishioners and visitors who gather for worship by their presence, by a word of welcome and by giving out the Sunday bulletin.
Ministry of Serving
Altar servers assist the priest at Mass as did acolytes in the early church. At St. Joseph’s both boys and girls perform their function with dedication, graciousness and commitment.
Ministry of Music
Musicians make use of instruments and voices to support the parish congregation in praising God in song. Music belongs to the assembly, is integral to liturgy, and helps make our worship worthy of the Lord.
Ministry of the Assembly
All who gather for worship and who share in the celebration of Eucharist also share in the ministry. St. Paul refers to Christians as a “priestly people” who share with the ordained, ministerial priest in bringing the Lord present upon the altar and offering him to his Father as the best possible gift we are privileged to offer. Today we are not mere spectators but participants in the sacred action which re-enacts both Calvary and the Last Supper, and which makes it possible for us to be in touch with our God.